Thursday 31 December 2015

My top 10 life hacks...

These are some of my absolute favourite life hacks and I feel like I really should share them with you. They're not linked in anyway possible but they are all very useful.

No. 1
Hangers. Hangers can be very useful when it comes to storage but they have many other uses, one in particular I use ALL the time! So, a while back I'd have to iron my school shirts and trousers all the time but I soon got sick of it and just completely stopped. Basically, I looked scruffy 24/7. Eventually, my mum got sick of it too, she gave me a very useful tip, that I still use now... As soon as you wash your clothes, hang them on hangers and leave them out to dry (preferably near a radiator) and when it is dry you will have a crisp and clean, ready to wear shirt, trouser or blouse!

No. 2
Now, here's for the people that love to get creative over the weekend and use PAINT! Everyone gets the dilemma of not being able to shut a paint tin because there's crusty, dried up paint around the rim of the tin. Well, worry no more, as there is a solution. Wrap an elastic band around the paint (from the top of the tin, to the bottom). It should look like there is a guitar string on the tin. Dip your paint brush in and wipe the excess on the elastic band. Problem solved.

No. 3
I'm that person that says they need to drink more water and I drink like 15 glasses one day and then none the next day. Believe me, that won't help you! You need consistency. So a smart idea is to mark your water bottle. Mark a certain amount that you'd like to drink before a certain time. Usually the challenge motivates people to actually do it so give it a try.

No. 4
This is something I was completely sick of until I came up with a simple solution. Earphones. They get tangled so bloody fast, it's unbelievable! When you wrap them around your fingers, take a hair clip and punt it on the wire to secure it, this way they stay neat and simply unwind when you need to use them.

No. 5
Sometimes you go on holiday and forget that other countries have a different plug socket That's fine, it happens. When you forget and adapter or simply just don't have one, usually the TV in your hotel room has a USB adapter. Just plug the wire in there and wait whilst your phone, tablet, kindle, etc. charges up. Simples.

No. 6
This is for those who wear dark lipstick (or lipstick in general), AKA me! I wouldn't be able to live without my lipstick. But I don't always take it with me where ever I go because I don't have to, my lipstick stays on for the whole day without an chip, crack or any getting on your teeth. How, you ask? Again, it's simple. Apply your lipstick like usual, make sure to use a good lip liner to get a neat coverage and make sure that you don't miss any areas. Then simply take the ply of a tissue apart and put one layer to your lips, press down and then remove the tissue, this blots the lipstick and makes it stay the WHOLE day. It's so useful and effective! I promise.

No. 7
The worst thing that could happen is getting one of those large, painful, red spots on your face just before a big event. Here's what you can do to help that. If you have time, put toothpaste on the spot to absorb the oils and dry it up. But some spots have the worst timing, so you can't do anything that will make it go away in time for your big event. Fear not, make up will do the job, but, you have to do it right. Take a concealer palette and usually it will have a green shade (the second one in the picture below). Use that to cover up the spot because it will take the pink undertones of the spot away. After that you can put your normal foundation over the top and voila.

No. 8
I get insomnia so the dark circles under my eyes get pretty bad. This can cause problems for me when I want to go out, so what do I do? I use make up to fix my problems. Dark circles under the eyes have purple undertones, in order to get rid of this, you need to use the orange on your concealer palette (the fourth one in the picture above) to cover everywhere that looks even a little bit purple. Put your normal foundation on top and you will look refreshed and ready for anything.

No. 9
I find that on some people you can have dark elbows and knees or even armpits. There's a simple fix to this. Use half of a used lemon and rub the left over juice and lemon into your joints. Do this regularly and you will soon realise that the darkness is gone.

No. 10
Last but not least. Eyelashes. Now I don't know about you, but I'd love to have long eyelashes, naturally, long, beautiful eyelashes. And I can! If I remember to put Vaseline or coconut oil on the roots of my lashes every night before going to bed. One of my friends has been doing it for about four months now and her lashes are insanely long, it's ridiculous.

Well that's it from me for now, and with that have a wonderful new year!

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Big SleepOut

As you all know, I did the Big SleepOut on Friday 4th December.

It was a really interesting experience and I want to share what I learnt, with you.

I had a cardboard box, just long enough for me to lie down in and a plastic sheet to cover the box in case of rain. That was my bed for the night, of course I brought a sleeping bag with me but most rough sleepers don't even have that. I was to stay outside for twelve hours- 6 pm to 6 am.

Once the lights went out at midnight, I tried to stay awake because I didn't think I'd be able to sleep properly and thought I was just going to wake up with a sore back. That plan didn't work, see without entertainment it's quite hard to keep your eyes open, so I fell asleep. Well it was a half-sleep, half-awake kind of thing. I was on edge the whole night and the sound of the wind made me think someone was outside my box, so I kept opening it to check. Every time that I did that I had let the cold back in, so I had to try and get warmish again, before I could fall back to sleep. My entire night went like this, every hour that passed resulted in me being awake.

After what seemed like days it was finally six in the morning, it was a struggle waking up and when I opened the box I couldn't believe how cold it was. It was ten times colder than it had been six hours before. Half asleep I rolled my sleeping bag up, although breakfast was being served, all I could think about was getting back home.

...And once I was, I went straight to bed and didn't wake up until four in the afternoon, I was shattered.

Sleeping rough is hard. Harder than I thought actually, the wind was unbearable, to an extent that just the sound of the wind was scaring me. And the cold... It was as though the cold had gotten into my bones and once I was home I could still feel it in my bones for the rest of the weekend.  When I eventually woke up, I actually broke down and was crying a lot, because I had only slept rough for one night, I couldn't imagine what it's like to spend my whole life without a roof over my head, like others do. It made me feel really lucky.

Sunday 8 November 2015


Hey guys,

Right, there 's a charity for homeless people it's called trinity #itcouldbeme, this charity helps to give homeless people shelter and a chance to re-build their lives. A second chance.

On the 4th December 2015 they will be holding a Big SleepOut event where people as ordinary as you and me sleep in a cardboard box for a night, to find out what it would be like to be homeless- in DECEMBER!!. I haven't done this before but many people think it will be an eye opener as to what homeless people go through and how they don't have any luxuries like clean showers and a choice of food and how so many people take what they have for granted.

This charity is so inspirational and such a great way to bring a community together. Trinity gives every participant a challenge to raise a minimum of £200 (that's twenty people giving me only £10 each). I would really appreciate it if you could help me defeat this challenge and possibly raise more than £200. If you would like to donate, don't hesitate to contact me (details below).

If you want to find out more about this charity before donating then please do, their web address is they do so much good and work so hard.

My details:
You've got my e-mail or you can also call/ text on (+44)7450055926

Thank you!

Thursday 1 October 2015

I had a dream

I had a dream, I have a dream. No no, I'm not referring to the Martin Luther King Jr speech but I just thought it was a nice touch. I generally had a dream...when I was sleeping (ahh sleeping, one of the very many things I'm good at), a nightmare, a scare. It's about something I feel quite strongly about.

I believe that the thoughts rushing around the back of our mind can often form a very real illusion- a dream.

So this dream of mine could have been interpreted in a lot of ways but I know my mind and I know exactly what I was thinking, this is what happened...

I was with my round, grey washing basket, full of damp clothes, and I was outside to hang them on the washing line. But this washing line was on a pavement. Anyway, behind me was a studio with glass windows and inside there was a bunch of infants (they couldn't have been more than 6 years old) and a female teacher. In the dance studio, the lights kept flickering and it was quite late at night but what was weird was that the children weren't even
getting scared of the darkness like kids usually do. Fearless.

The teacher decide the flickering lights that sent shivers through her spine were becoming to disruptive. She decided to go downstairs to the main power switch, she switched all the lights off and then switched them all back on again. After some time the leader of the pack came back up the stairs and carried on with her dance lesson. She was pleased, she was pleased that the lights had stopped haunting her emotions.

A few hours later, just as she got the class concentrated again, the flickering of the lights reappeared. She decided to run back downstairs one last time to the main switch. By this time the kids had gotten bored by themselves. The infants knew that they had never been downstairs before and wanted a little excitement and adventure. They made their way to the stairs.

At this point, I had left my all important basket of washed clothes and gone into the studio to (I presume) "watch" over the kids. They started running down the stairs and for some odd reason I wanted to stop them. And in an attempt to do so, I too was running down the stairs. I heard a thud at the bottom but I knew it was just someone jumping off the last step and that was it. Silence, silence from then after. I rushed down the creaking, wooden steps, brushing passed the thick claustrophobic walls. The steps started off really bright, so that I could easily see and then there was a sudden change. A distinct line on the steps showing where the light ends and there was just darkness below. I couldn't see anything, not the kids or the next step. Without thinking, I lashed into the darkness and kept running.

I must have been running in a downward spiral for what seemed like forever and then I jumped down the last step, I heard a thud of my "aching" foot slapping the floor beneath and that my friends is when I opened my eyes.

Another strange thing about this dream is that I remember it so clearly unlike many of my other dreams.

I think this dream is about the future generations slipping away from our society, growing up to fast and just becoming to much to handle. Which is sad because from what I've seen at school and out an'about the younger kids are completely different to what I was like at that age and it's quite scary to see how fast the generations are changing that the older ones may not be able to keep up. Honestly though people have started successfully building functioning robots, but what has already started happening is these machines are taking the jobs of so many people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against them because we do rely on them most of the time and I'm using one right now just to express this point. However, I do think there is a limit and to a certain level it has been crossed.

I couldn't really find the right words to express myself the way I wanted to and I don't feel like I have put the point I wanted to across but hopefully you will get what I mean. Thank you for reading!

Monday 31 August 2015

when life gives you LEMONS

So, I'm a teen and am going through many phases in my life. Usually, my face is clear of all spots and I never have a mark which, believe me I'm always thankful for. Anyway, I went through a really unhealthy phase and my diet consisted of some sort or form of sugar and chocolate at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

This as you can imagine did not do wonders for my face and I broke out in painful spots on my cheeks and forehead. It was really sudden and I just woke up with them one day and my mum was surprised too. She'd never seen me with so many red bumps on my skin before. They were ugly. I didn't even want to go out in public, that's when I knew I had to find a way to get rid of my acne without giving up what I love most in this world. CHOCOLATE!

I found something... Okay! I took my mum's advice. And it got rid of the "mounds" really quickly, every day I saw them slowly reducing until my skin was practically clear again. I was ecstatic. I'm guessing you want to know what I used and it's really simple and super easy. Lemons.

You will need a cup, 1/4 lemon and water. First, squeeze a quarter of a lemon into your cup, then fill three quarters of your cup with boiling water and add a quarter cup of cold water. It's that simple. Drink it while it's hot though. It may taste a little sour but it should help you. Drink one of these babies a day and watch your skin become clear!

Now don't get me wrong that's not the only thing I do for my face. I've done a lot of research on what prevents acne and it turns out that washing your face with a cleanser or rubbing your face with warm or cold water often can be really bad for your skin.

Because, when you wash your face too much, you shed your skin's natural oils which causes your body to create more oils and when your skin gets too oily, well, you get spots.

How often should you wash my face then?
Depending on how oily your skin naturally is, is how much you should wash it...

For dry skin:
Wash your face normally with your usual cleanser once a day and if ever you feel as though you need to wash your face again, splash your face with cold water. IMPORTANT: Because you have dry skin, you will need those extra oils so after every wash apply a thin coat of face moisturiser to your face. This will make your skin glow and get rid of that dry, cracked look. Voila!

For neither dry nor oily skin:
Use your facial wash only once every two days to allow your skin to breathe. Splash with water whenever you like and dab dry or let your face dry naturally. NOTE: Do not rub face and do not apply any creams or lotions afterwards. This is to prevent adding extra oils. I have average skin and I would strongly recommend using the 'No7 beautiful skin foaming cleanser' as your facial wash, I use this product and I have to tell you that it honestly helps me a lot, it helps revive my skin and makes it look fresh and feel smooth.

For the greasy ones:
Unfortunately, you have ended up with skin that gets too oily, but that's not always a bad thing. Okay, so to care for your skin I would suggest you use the 'No7 beautiful skin foaming cleanser' as you face wash. Use one squirt of this twice a day- when you wake up and before dinner. However, I do have to stress that you pat your face dry and that you do not wash your face at any other points during the day. Also, when drying your face try to use a clean cotton t-shirt as it is soft and not too
harsh on your skin, unlike towels.

There are some things that everyone can do to prevent your face from going through a tough time...
          > Change your pillow case often to stop the sweat and oils from the previous week from getting to your fragile face
          > Do not use the towel you use on your body after a shower on you face too
          > Do not use the hand towel in the bathroom that dries your hands to dry your face as well
          > When having a hot shower splash you face with cold water afterwards to close the opened pores
          > Try not to touch your face too much during the day; your hands gather so many germs just in one day that you wouldn't want on your face
          > When washing your face, do not wash with hot water as it leaves your pores open and allows dirt to build up in them and cause spots
          > To take out white-heads and blackheads, steam your face to open pores and after removing the white-heads and blackheads, close your pores by lightly splashing cold water on you face

I would just like to say that everyone is different and these methods may not work for you in particular but it could work for others but I really hope this helped you.

Saturday 18 July 2015

my FIRST post

Hey, I'm Tanisha.

So, clearly I'm a new blogger. I kind of maybe don't have a clue what I'm doing and need a few tips but most of the time I just wing it and learn as I go. I love sharing ideas and thoughts and facts that can help people in their day-to-day life but I also love it when people can relate to me - which is exactly what my blog will be about!

Well, this blog. Where do I start, I obviously want this to be something many of you out there enjoy and I'd absolutely love for it to take me somewhere. It's been on my mind for a long time, I mean forever but I always made excuses of why I maybe shouldn't do this, reasons why it could go wrong. But here I am almost a year later, with words flowing out of me.

...That in itself could be a lesson though if blogging turns out to be successful for me. That no matter how many times you think something may not work or is completely absurd, you never truly know until you've tried. I'm pretty sure that if you're still even reading this you may have heard people say exactly that, like a dozen times, but doesn't it make sense.
Just think...

Anyways, it would be great if you could please leave comments, tips, ways to improve or even ideas you want me write about. Maybe you didn't like this post but at least give me a chance to improve I guess.

Find me on:
insta: tanisha._.kaur
twitter: ms_kaur19
snapchat: xtanisha_kaurx

Thanks for reading my first post and yeah.
 *There will be more pictures next time.
-Tanisha Kaur