This as you can imagine did not do wonders for my face and I broke out in painful spots on my cheeks and forehead. It was really sudden and I just woke up with them one day and my mum was surprised too. She'd never seen me with so many red bumps on my skin before. They were ugly. I didn't even want to go out in public, that's when I knew I had to find a way to get rid of my acne without giving up what I love most in this world. CHOCOLATE!
I found something... Okay! I took my mum's advice. And it got rid of the "mounds" really quickly, every day I saw them slowly reducing until my skin was practically clear again. I was ecstatic. I'm guessing you want to know what I used and it's really simple and super easy. Lemons.
You will need a cup, 1/4 lemon and water. First, squeeze a quarter of a lemon into your cup, then fill three quarters of your cup with boiling water and add a quarter cup of cold water. It's that simple. Drink it while it's hot though. It may taste a little sour but it should help you. Drink one of these babies a day and watch your skin become clear!
Now don't get me wrong that's not the only thing I do for my face. I've done a lot of research on what prevents acne and it turns out that washing your face with a cleanser or rubbing your face with warm or cold water often can be really bad for your skin.
Because, when you wash your face too much, you shed your skin's natural oils which causes your body to create more oils and when your skin gets too oily, well, you get spots.
How often should you wash my face then?
Depending on how oily your skin naturally is, is how much you should wash it...
For dry skin:Wash your face normally with your usual cleanser once a day and if ever you feel as though you need to wash your face again, splash your face with cold water. IMPORTANT: Because you have dry skin, you will need those extra oils so after every wash apply a thin coat of face moisturiser to your face. This will make your skin glow and get rid of that dry, cracked look. Voila!
For neither dry nor oily skin:Use your facial wash only once every two days to allow your skin to breathe. Splash with water whenever you like and dab dry or let your face dry naturally. NOTE: Do not rub face and do not apply any creams or lotions afterwards. This is to prevent adding extra oils. I have average skin and I would strongly recommend using the 'No7 beautiful skin foaming cleanser' as your facial wash, I use this product and I have to tell you that it honestly helps me a lot, it helps revive my skin and makes it look fresh and feel smooth.
For the greasy ones:Unfortunately, you have ended up with skin that gets too oily, but that's not always a bad thing. Okay, so to care for your skin I would suggest you use the 'No7 beautiful skin foaming cleanser' as you face wash. Use one squirt of this twice a day- when you wake up and before dinner. However, I do have to stress that you pat your face dry and that you do not wash your face at any other points during the day. Also, when drying your face try to use a clean cotton t-shirt as it is soft and not too
harsh on your skin, unlike towels.
For EVERYONE:There are some things that everyone can do to prevent your face from going through a tough time...
> Change your pillow case often to stop the sweat and oils from the previous week from getting to your fragile face
> Do not use the towel you use on your body after a shower on you face too
> Do not use the hand towel in the bathroom that dries your hands to dry your face as well
> When having a hot shower splash you face with cold water afterwards to close the opened pores
> Try not to touch your face too much during the day; your hands gather so many germs just in one day that you wouldn't want on your face
> When washing your face, do not wash with hot water as it leaves your pores open and allows dirt to build up in them and cause spots
> To take out white-heads and blackheads, steam your face to open pores and after removing the white-heads and blackheads, close your pores by lightly splashing cold water on you face
I would just like to say that everyone is different and these methods may not work for you in particular but it could work for others but I really hope this helped you.